Healing the broken hearted
So many in the body of Christ are hurting and experiencing difficulties that make us feel alone. Healing Time Ministries is committed to creating communities all over the world.
Centered around Community
We need other Christians to teach us, encourage us, and pray for and with us. It's important that we allow other Christians to hold us accountable and provide us with godly counsel. Healing Time Ministries is here to connect you with a Christian group in your local area.
Latest Episode

Jesus had a lot to say about the topic of worthiness and made it clear: In God’s eyes, you are valued. You are loved, cherished, seen, and adored. This episode takes a deep dive into your self-worth in Christ so that you can not only start believing that you’re worth, but you can start acting like you’re worthy! Be encouraged and equip yourself with the tools that will not only allow you to conquer the feelings of worthlessness that plague your heart, but also to pull other people out of that worthless state. Start a group and help those in your church and community discover and believe their worthiness through Christ.