Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)
Healing Time Ministries provides biblical and therapeutic support and resources for the parents of prodigal teens and young adults.
The Prodigal Parent Process
Many Christian parents endure the emotional and spiritual pain of loving a prodigal child. Daily they suffer, often alone in their silence, watching from afar as their child makes poor choices. Unfortunately, the trauma and grief of the parents of prodigals is rarely addressed in the church setting, leaving so many moms and dads to wander alone. There are real biblical solutions available to everyone who is walking through broken relationships and carrying the scars of what we call the Prodigal Parent Process. In this book, workbook, and DVD series, Dr. Doug Weiss delivers biblical and practical tools to aid you in your journey to hope and healing.
Dr. Weiss presents this thoughtful guide to help you navigate the process and help others so they, too, can have healing on their journey.
Dr. Weiss presents this thoughtful guide to help you navigate the process and help others so they, too, can have healing on their journey.

Biblical Teachings
Prodigal Parent Process groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Prodigal Parent Process groups help you get connected with other likeminded Christian parents who are also struggling with being a parent of a prodigal. That’s why a support group is so valuable — everyone understands what you’re feeling because they have the same feelings and concerns. There is no guilt or shame in reaching out for support from others. This structured program helps you grow, learn, and heal, while also building a community of support around you on your journey. We've made joining or starting a Prodigal Parent Process as simple as possible. Click below to get started.
YouVersion Bible Plan for Parents of Prodigals
The trial of a prodigal child is a uniquely painful one for a parent. We live in a day in which the enemy is coming after our children in an unprecedented way. Because of this, many parents are grieved about a prodigal child. Prodigal Parents often have no idea what caused a son or daughter to cut them out of their lives. They wonder when or if they will see them again. Some feel the loss of a grandchild they have not yet met or the sting of one more special event without any contact. There is a great sense of loss, not just for the estranged loved one but for the dreams of that son or daughter that seem to be drifting away. In this study, your pain is not only validated, but you are given biblical principles to walk your own healing journey as a prodigal parent.