“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:13–14
Worthy: Finding your worth in Christ
Jesus had a lot to say about the topic of worthiness and made it clear: In God’s eyes, you are valued. You are loved, cherished, seen, and adored. This Worthy series takes a deep dive into your self-worth in Christ so that you can not only start believing that you’re worth, but you can start acting like you’re worthy! Be encouraged and equip yourself with the tools that will not only allow you to conquer the feelings of worthlessness that plague your heart, but also to pull other people out of that worthless state. Do this alone or start a group and help those in your church and community discover and believe their worthiness through Christ.

Biblical Teachings
Worthy Support Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
While the Word is clear on our worth in Christ, hurtful relationships or traumatic pasts can make us feel that we aren’t good enough. And if our hearts really wrestle with that, we may be hesitant to accept that we are fully accepted and loved as God’s children. Our self-esteem must come from our knowledge of who Jesus is and from the assurance of His love and care. These groups provide lasting purpose and clear direction. Start or join a Worthy Group to take a deep dive into your self-worth in Christ so that you can not only start believing that you’re worth, but you can start acting like you’re worthy!
FREE YouVersion Bible Plan s
God longs for us to truly believe that we are a treasure to Him; and that grace is in fact, a free gift. Only when we recognize that as God’s children we are inherently special to Him can we imagine why He might give His life to be close to us. We’re important to Him, each one of us, no matter what we’ve done or not done. As we accept His love, we must also decide we’re going to agree with Him and apply that love inward — to ourselves. This means learning how to forgive ourselves for the past, being kind and patient with ourselves in the present and being hopeful for our future. It means we treat ourselves — and others — more the way God does. This will be the open door to the life and relationship with God that is intended for us.

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Your obedient and generous support enables Healing Time Ministries to fulfill its mission to Save, Equip, and Send. Your giving funds our ability for people like you to access these resources. With God's favor and faithful support, we have seen marriages healed, families restored, leaders equipped and the next generation rise up and take a stand for their faith.