What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Matthew 19:6
Healing Time Ministries provides biblical and therapeutic support and resources married couples.
Marriage Mondays
The marriage community is a sacred reflection of the family of God. Its identity, life and power come from God. Paul says: “For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.” (Ephesians 3:14-15). In the Marriage Mondays series, Dr. Doug Weiss gives you foundational principles to build your relationship upon. These Christian-based marriage teachings can be watched as a couple or in a group setting!

Biblical Teachings
Marriage Monday Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Marriage Monday groups help you get connected with other like minded Christian couples who are wanting to level up their relationship. This couple-to-couple group program has helped thousands of couples rediscover the joy and happiness in their marriage by walking in community and sharing practical ways to live out God's plan for their marriage. This group programming walks you through the fundamentals of intimacy, finances, sex, dating, and more, so that you can be challenged and grow during your group time with others. There is no guilt or shame in reaching out for support from others. This structured program helps you grow, learn, and heal, while also building a community of support around you on your journey. We've made joining or starting a Marriage Monday Group as simple as possible. Click below to get started.
YouVersion Bible Plan for Married Couples
As Christians, we know that applying biblical principles to marriage will give us a stronger foundation. Surely we know this, but what are we doing about it? In other words, what makes a marriage “Christian”? These two Bible Plans help you navigate several different aspects of Christian Marriage, how to love your spouse, and more!

We couldn't offer these resources without your generous support.
Your obedient and generous support enables Healing Time Ministries to fulfill its mission to Save, Equip, and Send. Your giving funds our ability for people like you to access these resources. With God's favor and faithful support, we have seen marriages healed, families restored, leaders equipped and the next generation rise up and take a stand for their faith.